2 x Perpetual Trophies for IOM Clive Brooks, 6 x medallions
2 x Perpetual Trophies for Df65 J.D.McLachlan, 6 x medallions.
Racing in the morning for the Clive Brooks Handicap IOM Trophy and for the J.D.McLachlan Handicap Df65 Trophy.
BBQ lunch
Racing in the afternoon for the Clive Brooks Scratch IOM Trophy and for the J.D.McLachlan Scratch Df65 Trophy.
Lots of fun
Lots of Medallions
Handicap and Scratch racing for both fleets.
About the Clive Brooks / J.D.McLachlan Trophies
This is a full day of racing for IOMs and DF65s with handicap racing in the morning followed by scratch racing in the afternoon. A BBQ around midday gives skippers a break in the day.
Who Was Clive Brooks
Clive Brooks was an inaugural member of WMRMYC in 1994.
Incorporation took place in 1995. He mentored many a new IOM skipper. He manufactured IOM sails (CBS) for many years supplying them Australia wide. Clive donated the Perpetual Handicap and the Scratch trophies to the Club in [check 1st shield on trophy]
Clive mentored many a new IOM skipper. Clive also manufactured IOM sails (CBS) for many years supplying them Australia wide. a former member, Garth Halton, took over the sail making from Clive in 2016 and the sail making business moved over to Greg Torpy in 2017. That sailing making business is now known as 360 sails.
Clive donated the Perpetual Handicap and the Scratch trophies to the Club back in the day.
The DF65 versions of the Clive Brooks Trophies were donated by John McLachlan.
“I first met Clive, in 2014, when I quoted him for an air conditioner for his home. At that time I had a residential/commercial air-conditioning business. I noticed an RC boat on his lounge floor and I asked him about it. Told him that when I retired that I was keen to have a go at RC Yacht racing. He told me that the boat was from NZ and the best available. I subsequently installed 3 x air conditioners in his house including the shed where he made the sails. Clive was one of nature's gentlemen.” Russell