Beginners To Winners Sailing School Videos BEGINNERS TO WINNERS IS PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY SANDI SHARP FROM HARCOURTS WYNNUM MANLY Skip to Videos Week 1 - Principles of Sailing Week 2 - Sailing Terms and Parts of a Yacht Week 3 - Basic Rules Week 4 - Set Up and Boat Handling Week 5 Part 1 - Preparation Week 5 Part 2 - Maintenance Week 6 - Race Starts. Part 1 Week 7 Part 1. Buoy Rounding - The Weather Mark Week 7 Part 1(A) Buoy Rounding - The Weather mark. How NOT TO and HOW TO approach the weather mark Week 7 Part 2. Buoy Rounding - The Leeward Mark Week 9 - Part 1. Penalties "Beginners to Winners" Week 9 - Part 2, Protesting "Beginners to Winners" Week 9 - Part 3. Hailing. "Beginners to Winners" Week 9 - Part 4. Sportsmanship "Beginners to Winners" Week 9 - part 5. Race Officers. "Beginners to Winners" Week 9 Part 6 Talking "Beginners to Winners" Week 10 - Part 1, Racing Technique - Strategy & Tactics. "Beginners to Winners" Week 10 - Part 2. Strategy & Tactics, with guest speaker John Gower Week 10 - Part 3. Strategy & Tactics, Racing with the coach again