Dean Horton wins DF65 Gold Coast Classic.
For all images please see the link below
Official scores and photos
Yes, one of your assistant coaches at Beginners to Winners dominated yesterday.
Further your head coach and co coach were 6th (Russell) and 5th (Don). Inside the top 6 places are the top 4 ranked skippers in Australia.
Your coaches are all in the top 10 Df65 skippers in Australia. You are getting top advice.
How did the Beginners to Winners perform. Very well indeed. It was a pleasure to watch them following the rules and calling for mark room, right of way and even room to finish.
Sel beat the head coach in races 4, and 5 . David K beat the head coach in races 4, 5 and 6. To their great delight.
Sel came 11th overall, fantastic result. At the state championships last February he could barely sail around the course. Great improvement.
Inside the "top ten" race finishes:
Sel 7
David K 5
David P 1
Paul P 1
David P finished 16th overall (very good for his first RC regatta)
Paul P finished 17th overall.
Your coaches are rapt in your progress. Let's share your experiences and learn more tomorrow.
Next regatta for Df65 is the interclub event at PRYC. I am looking forward to giving the other clubs a hurry up
Yes, training is on again tomorrow in the Wynnum Wading pool. Course rolls over again tomorrow to Topic 1 - Principles of Sailing.
Come along for some fun.
Oh yes, I am bringing brownies. Any other contributions to morning tea will be appreciated.
Participants at Beginners To Winners School